Friday, December 7, 2007

Code Pink

December 6, 2007
Dear Tim,
Thank you for signing our December holiday pledge and committing to taking action with our 10 Ways to Have a Peaceful Holiday Season in 2007. With so much heartache and bloodshed in Iraq, political uncertainty in Pakistan and millions of displaced Iraqi refugees, the world needs us to stay aware and awake during a time when it's so easy to get swept up in holiday madness.
This week we encourage you to take action with two of our creative and engaging holiday choices.
The first way is to shop until you drop - ONLINE, that is, and buy peaceful gifts at the CODEPINK store or sustainably-made green gifts at Global Exchange. Whether you buy PINK or GREEN, these gift ideas are some of the best ways to spread the message of peace around the world.
You can also make a difference by creating rather than buying gifts for everyone on your list.
Having a crafty peace party is a fun option to get friends together to make gifts AND discuss how to create a more peaceful world. CODEPINK Sacramento, California, had a peace party last weekend--click here to read about it and see photos. Not only was this party wonderful; it also raised money for local and Iraqi women.
Shed light on the crisis in Iraq and Pakistan:
Currently there are about 8 million Iraqi refugees displaced from their homes because of the Bush administration, but we don't hear about their plight in the media--you can also fulfill your pledge this month by bringing their stories to light. When you educate the people in your life--family, friends and neighbors--peace and change will ripple out from your community.
Along with the refugee situation, you can inform people about the political crisis in Pakistan and discuss the dangers of attacking Iran. Click here to learn more and then pass the information along!
You can also share a more personal connection to what's happening in Pakistan by discussing the bravery of CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin and Tighe Berry who recently traveled to Pakistan to support the rule of law. Find out more about their journey here (including their dramatic arrest at gunpoint)..
Be sure to tell family and friends how important their own voices are, and invite them to take action this holiday and sign the pledge. Who knows, you might win a trip to D.C.!
Gifting and Talking Peace Everyday,

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